If there was one thing I could tell myself back when I first cut out dairy from my diet, it's that you don't need anything fancy to make a good plant milk. Back in those days, when the grocery was all out of my favorite oat milk, I had several very miserable attempts at creating my own plant milk to have with coffee and tea.

I tried combining different nuts with seeds or oats or rice, only to find the end result too slimy or watery - not to mention, having to clean the blender and the nut milk bag, and trying (and usually failing) to find something to do with all the leftover pulp.

That's why I'm proud to present this deceptively simple nut milk recipe. There's no nut milk bag, no pulp, and believe it or not, it will actually taste closer to your store bought nut milk than any other plant milk you make at home. The reason why is because of the oils in the peanut butter (or any nut butter of your choice), that is what creates the creamier, milk-like taste that commercial plant milks have.


    Peanut butter

The flavor of this will depend entirely on the ratio of peanut butter to water. I recommend 3 parts water to 1 part peanut butter, from there add a little bit more water if it's too thick. However, if you want to make a cream, then you want it to be an equal 1:1.

Using a hand mixer or a blender, combine the water and the peanut butter.

And you're done!